Theobroma cacao






We always send very fresh seeds, harvested the day of departure, because these seeds life expectancy is about 2 weeks! I wrap them in absorbent paper moistened with spring water.


When you buy Carib Beans, seeds begin to sprout during the travel!!!!!!


Use a propagating substrate with good water retention, coco peat, perlite, and a little bit charcoal. 


Put it in a small container, and plant the seed, thin side up, gently in order of you can see the half after planting. Seeds will goes up itself.


The large side is the back, where roots are growing.


Water it regularly, never let the soil dry and put them on semi-shade.


Spray occasionally to maintain good moisture.


The temperature should be between 77 and 86°F for optimal result. You will see the seeds raised in one or two weeks. You can use an heated mat. 


When you see roots under the jar, fertilize with organic food plant regularly and put in a bigger container.


Cacao tree die under 50°F.


cacao tree like wet, warm, shady climate, and rich soil.




Buy Cocoa seeds


Good Culture