Shiva’s tear
Wanted seeds, rare
Cerisier bleu, Larmes de Shiva, Rudraksha, cooloon, blue quandong, blue fig, Shiva’s tear, graines bleues, bead tree, lily of the valley tree, blue olive berry, blue marble tree, ash quandong, fairy petticoats, native olive, white boree, utrasum bean tree, fringe bells, japanese blueberry, fruta azul, àrvore de contas, ...
The captivating beauty of the Elaeocarpus is this medium sized evergreen tree’s unique foliage, attractive flowers and colorful blue berries.
New emerging foliage of this handsome tree is tinged orange-red that turns to emerald green then to dark lustrous green. Mature foliage turns orange red to bright red before leaf drop.
Flowers have an unusual liquorices scent, and are followed by masses of shiny, round, cobalt blue fruit. Fruit is a marble-size drupe, ovoid, with a thin layer of flesh. The flesh, greenish yellow, is sour and edible. The fruit ripens by summer and contains a hard rough stone which is elegantly tuberculed, marked with five vertical grooves.
The flowers attract many months and butterflies, while the pretty fruits attract birds.
Seeds (very hard)
Culture and care
Elaeocarpus is an ideal tree for the tropical garden as it needs little maintenance to thrive, surviving well in low nutrient and dry soils, except sands and waterlogged areas; it performs best when well watered and well-drained.
The tree grows in a range of light intensities, from heavy shade through to full sun. It and is hardy to at least light freeze when established. Small plants require regular watering, then as the plant matures in the ground, it becomes drought tolerant.
Flowering period is winter to spring, sometimes to early summer.
- Ornemental use
Can be planted as a single plant.
- Alimentary use
The fruit pulp (very small) is sweet.
- Other uses
handcraft, timber
Elaeocarpus comes from Greek and means “olive-fruited” and angustifolius, “narrow-leaved”.
It is said that the plant of Rudraksh is originated from the tear drops of Lord Shiva.
The wood of Rudraksh tree is light colored almost whitish in appearance. It has a unique strength-to-weight ratio, making it valued for its timber. The wood of Rudraksha Tree was used to make aero plane propellers during World War I.
Rudraksha bead is a natural tranquilizer and it has been proved that wearing Rudraksha around heart controlled heart beat and keeps blood pressure under control.
People with high blood pressure problem can take Rudraksha as a medicine. Dip two Beads of Five Rudraksh in a glass of water in night and let them immersed in water for whole night. Drink that water in the morning, before any other intake. Those who suffer from anxiety should keep big size Five.
It also imposes positive effect on Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Palpitations and Lack of Concentration and is an excellent bead for pregnant women. Wearing Rudraksha helps women who have problems in conceiving a child, and is also good for children who suffer from frequent fever.
Milk boiled with four faced Rudraksha seed is good medicine for mental diseases. This also helps in increasing your memory.
Rudraksha possess anti ageing property.
Four faces are RARE and good for steady nerves, comprehension, intelligence, foresight, communication, and success in related business such as communication.
95% of all Rudraksha seeds are 5 faced and are good for wisdom, good fortune, good wealth, good health, humanitarian, and success in related business such as religion and teaching.
The tree on the picture is 200 years old.