Hibiscus rosa sinensis

Syn. Hibiscus festalis, Hibiscus boryanus

Rose Cayenne, Wóz Kyenn

Fencing flower, Cayena





Hibiscus, rose de Chine, rose de Cayenne, Woz kayenn, kokliko wouj, gwo kokliko,  choublak, gwo flè bayè, fencing flower, shoe black,  chinese rose, chinese hibiscus, Cayena, gallina, Amapola, carta abierta, marimoña, sangre de Cristo, mar pacifico, clavejon, clavel, candela, candelàbra, candelada, pavona, carta abierta, hibiscp, Tropical hibiscus…


Famille / Family / Familia




Origine / Origin / Origen


Chine et Japon


Description / Description / Descripción


Arbuste de 1 à 5 mètres de haut à feuilles ovales, parfois lobées et crènelées. Les fleurs sont solitaires et hermaphrodites. Elles sont de différentes couleurs, simples ou doubles.

Floraison toute l’année.



La fleur utilisée dans les remèdes est une double rouge à l’aspect d’une rose (Rose Cayenne ou Gros coquelicot)

Le cultivar à feuilles panaché est le ‘Cooperi’

Le cultivar à fleurs rose plus ou moins pendantes et à longs rameaux peu ramifiés est un hybride avec la variété schizopetalus. On l’appelle « la France » à Trinidad.


Bush bearing oval leaves which are sometimes lobed or crenellated. Simple or double ornamental flowers of different colours. For medecinal uses, preference is for the double flower similar to a rose.

Flowering all year round.


Arbusto con hojas ovaladas, a veces lobuladas y dentadas. Flores ornamentales, simples o dobles, de diferentes colores. Utilizar preferentemente, las  flores rojas dobles que se asemejan a la rosa para uso medicinal.

Floración todo el año


Habitat / Habitat / Hàbitat


Cultivé (0-900m) / Cultivated / En cultivo


Multiplication / Propagation / Reproducción

Bouturage de rameaux ligneux de 20cm (4 semaines), semis (2-3 semaines) et marcottage (1-2 mois)


Cutting, seeds / Por medio de esquejes, semillas


Culture et entretien / Culture and care / Cultivo y cuidado

La culture de l’hibiscus est très facile. Il supporte tout type de sol, mais préfère un sol riche, profond et bien drainé, neutre à légèrement acide.

Exposition plein soleil.

Culture en bac possible avec un melange terre-terreau (50/50)


Ennemis : Acariens, cochenilles, pucerons, nématodes, et champignons



Easy to grow, all type of soil, full sun.




Fácil de cultivar, todo tipo de suelo, pleno sol.




Medicinal use



Against conjunctivitis, headaches, fever, flu and cough (Source: TRAMIL)


Parts used


Leaves and flowers


Directions for use




Against conjunctivitis : Wash carefully 30g of leaves, mash and wrinkle, add a little water and filter, instill 2 drops in each eye, 3 times a day for 2 or 3 days (Source: TRAMIL)


Against headaches :Wash carefully 40g of leaves, grind and wrinkle, apply on the forehead for an hour 3 times a day (Source: TRAMIL)


Against fever, flu and cough : 30g/L, drink 3-4 mugs per day (Source : TRAMIL). 

For liver ailments, Chop small 20g of rhizome and add them to 1L of boiled water, let stand for 12H, filter and drink in several takes during the next 12H. (Source : TRAMIL)





Do not use on people receiving depressant treatment.

Do not use with pregnant women because they may cause an abortion, nor with breastfeeding women or with children under 10 years of age.


- Ornemental use



Widely use for ornement, there is many commercial cultivars. Can be planted in edge or sigle plant.


- Other uses



The flower is a relatively widespread food or condiment of human consumption. (infusions, dye, rum arranged). It is also used as a natural shampoo.

Melliferous plant.





In Polynesia, flowers are worn behind the ear or in the air, also to make garlands.




Hibiscus means « flower resembling to the ibis », the ancient egyptians consecrated the flower to this bird which represented their God Thot.

Rosa means rose, like the flower and sinensis, comes from China.





Ancient texts have revealed that hibiscus leaves and flowers are used to dye hair black and delay the appearance of white hair. Here’s a shampoo recipe.

The juice of the flower was used for shoe polish and mascara (hence the name of shoe black)